Saturday, February 18, 2012

OWB101 10.1 to 11gR2 migration

During the migration constants with the value NULL where migration as 'NULL' (with quotes). I create a script to replace them trough the whole repository with TO_CHAR(NULL).

Found here: Repair NULL

Till Next Time

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

OWB101 Repository on AL32UTF8

Don't do it!
AL32UTF8 sees VARCHAR(N) as VARCHAR(N bytes) while OWB means VARCHAR(N characters). 
Yes you can play around with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR, but you might still run into trouble when using an API.
Use a set like WE8ISO8859P15 instead.

Till Next Time

Sunday, February 12, 2012

OWB No access for repository owner

Recently we had a strange problem. The repository assistant wouldn’t let us in:


After some brilliant google-ing from our DBA an old OTN entry from borkur (The Rittman Mead guy?) gave the solution ( Being lazy we had granted the OWB_USER role to public… Revoking it and giving it to the actual users did the trick.

Till Next Time

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

OWB Deployment is_local_to_repos

Ran into a strange issue the other day. We had a separated repository db from the target db. In order to get the deployment to work we had to manually update the OWBSYS.wb_rt_stores table. For all deployment targets both “is_deployment_target” and “is_local_to_repos” had to be set to 1.

Couldn’t find how to do this in the Client (Any tips?) so did it directly on the DB


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